DontGetHacked - Online Safety Test

The online world is filled with millions of online threats and malicious content. To avoid these, there are million of ways to loose your identity, personal information, or things like that if you don't know what to do in the case of some malicious con

Do you find your self constantly in trouble with online malicious content? If so this quiz is the quiz for you. This quiz will test your ability against online threats.

Created by: DontGetHacked

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your best friend sends you a link over MSN for free games. You decide to...
  2. Which of the following should you use when browsing the internet?
  3. You have 10 accounts for your daily online activities. Your passwords for these accounts should be...
  4. You receive an e-mail from PayPal saying your account has been logged in from a foreign location, and that you need to activate your account again to prove that you are the owner. You decide to...
  5. An administrator from a website contacts you and tells you that he needs your password for any reason. You decide to...
  6. Someone asks you for your personal information. You decide to...
  7. You find a download from a random site or You tube that offers a special tool that makes your computer work really good. You decide to...
  8. Your friend tells you to visit a link called [no urls] and says look at his funny video. You decide to...
  9. You Google DontGetHacked, and see a website that your site advisor displays as unsafe. You decide to...
  10. A man comes to you in your dreams and tells you to go to a website. You decide to...

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