does your crush like you back?

there are many of fish in the sea but your looking for the ''one'' who your hoping likes you back also, here's the quiz to find out if your crush like you back!:)

are you crushing on someone and have faith they are crushing on you back? take my quiz and you will find out your answer you've been looking for and couldn't figure it out!!

Created by: missmonkey3
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when you see him how does he act
  2. does he know you like him?
  3. when he see's you talking to a guy he:
  4. your in the same class,sitting at the same table as you his reactions around you and his friends?
  5. does he compliment you?
  6. when he talk to you he looks:
  7. does he ever ask you to hang out?
  8. do you and your crush have alot in common?
  9. does he start the conversation first?
  10. does he flirt with you?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you back?