Does your crush like you?

Quiz to see if your crush actually likes you! this is NOT fully accurate! So don't take this super seriously. Technology isn't perfect! Thank you for joining the quiz!!!

This is NOT fully accurate! So don't take this super seriously. Technology isn't perfect! Thank you for joining the quiz!!! AND ALSO YOU ARE AMAZING <3

Created by: Aurora
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. Do your friends think that they like you?
  3. Do you catch your crush staring at you?
  4. Do they hang out with you?
  5. Do they act strange or shy, or even try to act cool around you?
  6. Are they a Capricorn?
  7. Do you want to see your results?
  8. Thank you for joining the quiz!
  9. Just a question to confirm you are a human <3.. What is 2 plus 2?
  10. This is the last and final question. Will you be happy with your score?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you?
