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Hi, im leah and welcome to ' does your crush like you?!' quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:]:]:]:]:]:]:#Hopeyourcrushlovesyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....................

You will be asked 10 questions and you have to click on the answer. Hope you like like it!!!!!!!!!;]:]:]:]:]:]:];];];];];];;];];]#Hopeyoucrushlovesyou

Created by: Leah
  1. Quizzes must have between 10 and 60 questions. Got it!Does your crush stare at you in class?
  2. Does he/she try to get close to you?
  3. When someone is being mean too you does he stick up for you?!
  4. Are you both popular?
  5. Is she/he always mean to me?
  6. Are you and your crush close friends?
  7. Does your crush ever text you?!
  8. Is your parents ok with you having a boyfriends/girlfriend?!
  9. How old are you?!?
  10. Do you try to make yourself look prettier for him/her?

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Quiz topic: DOES my CRUSH LIKE YOU?!?

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