Does your crush like you???

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This quiz is made for people who want to know if their crush likes them!!!!! I hope you are happ with you results because you crush can always change their mind about you.

In the quiz you will find out if your crush likes you so remeber these things arent always prefectly true but they are pretty close. ;) Remember you are the boss of your life.

Created by: momoney255

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he/she talk to you first?
  2. Do you see he/she alot?
  3. When they see you do the smile?
  4. Do you know if you have things in common with him/her?
  5. What you favorite colors?
  6. Whats your crushes favorite colors???
  7. Did you crush every ask you out??
  8. How many time have you asked out you crush???
  9. Are you obsessive or normal when it comes to love???
  10. Did you injoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you???