Does She Really Love You?

If you've ever wondered if the woman you love, loves you and whether the love is romantic/platonic you may want to take this quiz. Whether you've known her for years or for days her behavior is insightful. Find out if you are reading her properly.

If you've ever wondered if the woman you love, loves you and whether the love is romantic/platonic you may want to take this quiz. Whether you've known her for years or for days her behavior is insightful. Find out if you are reading her properly or if you are in denial.

Created by: Tatyana
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you, emotions aside HONESTLY think she loves you.
  2. How long has she been in your life? (From day you first met)
  3. Does she find you physically attractive?
  4. Has she ever told you that she loved you and you felt the way she said it was more romantic then platonic?
  5. Have the two of you ever kissed or come close to?
  6. Have the two of you fought or disagreed and made up in the time you've known her?
  7. Does she make it a point to be involved with what you're doing or at least take an interest in what's important to you?
  8. Is her last boyfriend similar to you in any way?
  9. If you ever had a problem, would she view the situation as urgent? Does she view your problems as her problems?
  10. Do you think she expects to be in your life in 5 years?

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