Does he like you? (girls only!!!)

Have you ever wondered if he likes you or not? Has he ever acted strangely when you came around him? Find out if he likes you in this quiz meant for girls!

"Hmm... does he like me???" "Does he want to date me???" I get these questions a lot so please take this quiz! 99.9% of the time, I am right! If he doesn't like you and I said that he does, please message me!

Created by: CordeliaAMermaid
  1. What is your gender?
  2. Do you catch him staring at you?
  3. Does he smile and look away when you look at him?
  4. Has he ever "accidentally" bumped into you?
  5. Has he started to look "cool" when you come by?
  6. Have his friends ever pushed him into you and run away?
  7. Have your friends ever talked to him and refused to tell you what he told them?
  8. Has he ever asked for your number?
  9. Have you ever been the first person that he asked for help? (if he asked for any)
  10. Has he ever started the convos or is it you who does?
  11. Have your friends ever joked about you two getting together?

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