Does He Like You Back?

Hello! I am new here, so don't judge. This is my first quiz, so, if this is wrong, don't blame me. It's okay if you believe this is wrong. Your results could change!

I love making quizzes, this is my first on this app. I rate this a 9/10 because you have to write a lot, and you need a certain amount of words for each paragraph.

Created by: Sassa
  1. What is your age
  2. Do you like him?
  3. Is he dating
  4. How does he act around you?
  5. Do you feel comfortable around him?
  6. Would you kiss him?
  7. Do you want kids
  8. Have you confessed to him?
  9. IF YOU HAVEN'T CONFESSED SKIP THIS:How did he answer when you confessed?
  10. What do you rate this quiz?

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