Does He Like You?

This quiz is for everyone that is not quite sure about their love life , this quiz helps you on youre way making you realise that was is infront of you might not be true.

Are you the right kind of girl to win youre crush , find out in my quiz , it makes you sure if you are on youre way to him or the nerd sitting behind you in maths?

Created by: eve
  1. Does he look at/whatch you?
  2. Is he nice to you?
  3. Has he ever gave you any hints.
  4. Has he ever tried to touch you in any way.
  5. Does he ever flirt with other girls?
  6. Does he tell you he likes you?
  7. Does he try to impress you?
  8. Does he talk about you?
  9. He he smile around you.
  10. Is he stupid with his friends around you?

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