Does he like me? (Find out now!)

I know that I ask myself this question sometimes when people act weird around me, so hopefully this will help you with that! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Remember, this isn't always accurate, I am just using my common knowledge and experience. And also, ask an adult (If you aren't one!) about what to do!

Created by: dotdotdot of The Best Website Ever!
(your link here more info)
  1. How long have you guys known each other?
  2. What is your friend status?
  3. How often do you guys see each other?
  4. Does he follow you around?
  5. Does he try to sit next to you?
  6. Does he blush around you?
  7. Do you do any activities with him? (e.g. sports, classes, etc)
  8. Do you share interests in anything? (e.g. hobbies, video games, pop stars)
  9. Do you like him?
  10. Do you hope he likes you?
  11. Has he ever called you something that made you think he has a crush on you? (e.g. Cute, Foxy, etc.)

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