Do you understand women?

Guys, have you ever found yourself baffled by the odd ins and outs of female society? Think we're all a bunch of mind-less media addicts who's goal in life is to be blonde, and emulate Britney Spears? I'll prove how wrong you are.

Place yourself in the situation of an average teenage/young adult girl, and decide how YOU would deal with her daily life in her shoes. How much do YOU really know about women? Have fun!

Created by: Lanier
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pink. (Just answer the question)
  2. You're running late; what's going through your mind
  3. You're shopping, what are you looking for, and why?
  4. While taking a test in school, a guy you're into gives you a look, you...
  5. What shoes do you normally wear?
  6. What hair style do you like?
  7. You break a nail!!!
  8. Finally, school is over, but you've got a bunch of homework to do. You get home, what option do you choose?
  9. Your parents are out of town...
  10. Choose an outfit for everyday
  11. Do you think you know women?
  12. Women are more likely to do one of the following, more than a man.
  13. How do women perceive men?
  14. What do you think of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I understand women?