do you think like me?

Your about to take a quiz made by the weirdest girl in my school. it has been said by everyone in my school year. so i thought i would make this quiz to see if your like me!!

Are you weird like me? why dont you take my quiz to find out? good luck everyone and please dont be offended by your result. its nothing bad, but if you get what you didnt want. im very sorry.

Created by: megurineMinion

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. someone says hi. you say
  2. what are you
  3. are you friends with skittles?
  4. when i say jump you say
  6. "can i be your friend"
  7. what colour is your brain
  8. i dont always say something stupid..but when i do...
  9. someone asked you for relationship advice, their boyfriend cheated (from girls POV)
  10. are you crazy
  11. lastly..have you changed your mind about being friends with skittles?

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Quiz topic: Do I think like me?