Do You Suck As A Person?

This world is made up of many different personalities. Unfortunately about 80% of those personalities suck ass. Only a few people are original. This test is going to reveal your true self, and it may be ugly.

Are you really a neat person? Do your "friends" actually enjoy being around you? Well the truth is they probably hate your poser ass. I know I do.... Find out if you are one of those annoying, stupid s---, dick weeds that everyone hates...

Created by: Vincent of poodpants
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When in your car at a red light, how do you listen to your music?
  2. When on a plane or bus and seated by a stranger how do you act?
  3. When eating a delicious meal with family or friends....
  4. When I drink...
  5. When in public and yo need to s---....
  6. Do you like Sex in the City
  7. Do you think Carrot Top is funny?
  8. Do you write poetry when sad or in love?
  9. Do you like sharing food with people?
  10. Do you sing in front of your friends or family?

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Quiz topic: Do I Suck As A Person?