Do you really know The Cube SMP?

Some people LOVE The Cube SMP and others have seen a few videos. Want to know if you are a huge fan of them? Take this Quiz and see if you are a fna!

Are YOU Cube Obsessed? Do you have what it takes to have that amazing title? Before you could only wonder. But now with this quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!!!

Created by: Kerriann
  1. Who in The Cube makes the Presidential/ King and Queen portraits?
  2. Who sang Wreaking Ball in season 1 during Karaoke Night?
  3. Who came in 3rd place in the King and Queen Elections?
  4. During a irl video who got their armpits waxed with duck tape?
  5. In season 2 who are the two people that robed the Bank?
  6. In season 1 what was MrMitch361 and Childolphin's prank team called?
  7. Who on the server has gotten pranked with penguins?
  8. Which member threw up after eating 1 Jelly Bean?
  9. In season 2 who was the last one with 0 deaths?
  10. Who made a railway at their house to get the achievement "On A Rail" during a live stream?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know The Cube SMP?