Do you REALLY know 5sos?

5 seconds of summer is a very popular boy band of this generation. They have very dedicated fans, and most of them will bend over backwards for these boys.

Do you really know these boys as well as you say you do? Most fans don't know these things about 5 Seconds of Summer. How could you possibly call yourself superfan if you don't know the things in this quiz?! :)

Created by: Rephaiah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who's the drummer?
  2. Who's the youngest?
  3. Where are they from?
  4. Who's middle name is Thomas?
  5. Which lyrics are from English Love Affair?
  6. Which song is NOT a 5sos song?
  7. Which one is a 5sos song?
  8. Who has no siblings
  9. What's Ashton's last name?
  10. "I play guitar but she's into drummers" What song do these lyrics belong to?

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Quiz topic: Do I REALLY know 5sos?