Do you really have friends?

there are many people in this world there is social group of people and a anti-social group of people wich one are you? In this quiz you can see if you love hanging out with freinds or just sitting around at home watching soap oprahs all day long.

do you have friends you wonder dont you well just take my quiz and we will see if you have friends or not.A lot of people dont and alot do have friends well what are you wating for go see if you have friends silly goose!

Created by: tamara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when you go to the mall are you with...
  2. wouls you rather...
  3. how many friends do you REALLY have?
  4. you cant leave your house without your....
  5. do u like going to the movies?
  6. do you hate this quiz?
  7. do you like this quiz?
  8. whats 23 =78
  9. have you ever had a sleepover
  10. do you like bannas

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Quiz topic: Do I really have friends?