Do you like Emo chicks?

Emo chicks are one of us. but some people dont like them. take this quiz to see if you are a lucky lover of an emo chick. Most people will find that they like emo chicks even more than they thought.

Emo chicks are one of us. but some people dont like them. take this quiz to see if you are a lucky lover of an emo chick. Most people will find that they like emo chicks even more than they actualy thought.

Created by: Jeff

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of school do you go to, or what are the people you work with like?
  2. What are your friends like?
  3. Do you have a GF?
  4. The girls that u like wear...
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. What name sounds sexiest to you?
  7. Popular music in your chicks?
  8. Do you enjoy dating?
  9. What is the girl you like like?
  10. Last question: Do your friends pick on you?

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Quiz topic: Do I like Emo chicks?