do you like boys

This quiz is to test if you like boys just answer 10 simple questions that we require for this quiz. You will then find out if you like boys or if you like boys.

If you hate boys it is perfectly fine if you dont like boys that is perfectly fine also you will soon like them just give it time just dont rush it you will hate life if you do.

Created by: hilo
  1. have you ever liked a boy.
  2. have you ever had a friend that is a boy.
  3. have you ever kissed a boy.
  4. have you ever been with boys
  5. do you fell comftoble around other boys
  6. have you done anything else with boys
  7. have you ever said i love you without meaning it
  8. have you ever said i love you but you ment it
  9. have you ever had a boyfriend
  10. how old are you

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Quiz topic: Do I like boys
