Do you like banananas

This test will open your eyes to the world of bananas, with ten questions all to do with bananas. If you get more than fifty percent of the questions right, you will pass and become a minion.

you can do it. You can complete our test and do your best! with our test your hidden banana will be brought out of you. this is going to be fun.

Created by: Isbellana Grichelle
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What is your favourite shape?
  3. What's in your fruit bowl?
  4. What colour is your poo?
  5. How do you entertain yourself?
  6. What do you get at easter?
  7. What's your favourite TV show?
  8. Who in your family like bananananas most?
  9. ur ru rur ur940ur0q[rfioqrkfjorjfr?
  10. Do you like bananananas?

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Quiz topic: Do I like banananas