Do you Know your character?

Okay so you obviously know this quiz is for our book. You need to take it and it will give you a percentage range of how well you know your character, so don't worry you will do great!

Are you ready to take it? I hope so. Augh I have to think of something to say and I don't know what so now I'll just have to explain how horses come in all different colors...

Created by: ponyperson
  1. What age/grade is your character
  2. What height is your character? (Me: 5 ft 3in...she's petite!)
  3. Does you character have a pet?
  4. Does you character have a hobby?
  5. Could you draw out a quick colored sketch of your character, exactly from memory?
  6. Could you imitate your character's personality?
  7. (Answer in your character's personality...aka pretend you are your character) What is the average rainfall of the amazon basin?
  8. (Answer like YOU are your character) You are riding your bike down the road when you see someone waving their arms and calling for help, so you...
  9. (Answer like YOU are your character) You are riding your bike down the road when you see someone waving their arms and calling for help, so you...
  10. Last question! Do YOU think you know your character?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know my character?