Do you know who "Emma" really is?

Since you're reading this, I'm to assume you've at least spoken to me before. Whether it be online, through the phone, or in real life. Most people claim to know me, and I've had my fair share of rumors spread about me. Well this quiz tests just the basics of who "Emma" really is!

Do you think that you know me well enough to take this survey? They're not hard questions, just some favorites and stuff. You should really take this quiz, and hey if you get it right, there's an Advanced version!

Created by: Emma Haddox of [no urls]
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the prettiest color in my opinion?(Or, what is my favorite color?)
  2. What is my middle name? I'll give you a hint; it starts with an "A".
  3. How tall am I? (My MySpace profile says 5'1", but is it correct???)
  4. Do I have any pets? If so, what kind?
  5. What is my sexual orientation/inclination?
  6. What do I do during lunch??
  7. What is my favorite animal? Be careful, it's not what you'd think!!!
  8. How many siblings do I have?
  9. What kind of music do I listen to? (I dont think I've talked much about this.)
  10. What kind of movies and tv do I like?

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Quiz topic: Do I know who "Emma" really is?