Do you know when you will die?

This quiz is going to tell you when you going to die. I was board one day and i just decided to make this.I was in school one day and my friend said check this out but i didnt get to finish it and i hope you like this quiz.

When and what do you think you will die? Take this quiz and find out! There is i think 6 outcomes. on fire car crash plane crash and some others this is really fun. i just got this off my friend.

Created by: james
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you believe in God?
  2. Do you go to church?
  3. Have you seen a ghost?
  4. Do you go shopping?
  5. What's better: a ps3 or an xbox 360?
  6. Do you like this quiz?
  7. How many times have you gone to church?
  8. Why are you taking this quiz?
  9. Are you ready to know when u are going to die?
  10. Are you sure?

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Quiz topic: Do I know when you will die?