Do you know us?

You might think you know us, but there is only one way to find out! Come take this quiz that I created to see if you know The Talbi! (plural for Talbot's) Have fun and good luck!

Okay, I have to type 150 letters before it will let me move on... kind of stupid but I'll do it anyway because I have spent a good 45 minutes on this quiz and I'm not about to stop now....

Created by: Alecia of The Talbi
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Jaxon's middle name?
  2. Where are we currently living?
  3. How different apartments have we lived in since we've been married?
  4. What does Andrew want to be when he grows up?
  5. What color are Alecia's eyes?
  6. Where did we go on our honeymoon?
  7. What did Jaxon weigh when he was born?
  8. What is Jaxon's favorite band?
  9. What were our wedding colors?
  10. Which one of these do Andrew and Alecia have in common?
  11. What is Andrew's favorite sport?
  12. Where was Jaxon born?
  13. What else do Andrew and Alecia have in common?

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Quiz topic: Do I know us?