Do you know the song i write sins not trageties?

There are many panic! at the disco fans, but few true lovers. A fan is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a fan? A fan is someone who knows all the lyrics, goes to every concert, and bought all of there songs on iTunes! So yay..blahblah..i am so bored and i dont know what to type...

Are you an awesome fan of I Write Sins Not Trageties by Panic! At The Disco like I am? Or no? Cuz if it's a no, i dont like you. and if its a yes, youre my new bestest friend! yay..anyway, good luck blahblah yatta yatta yatta i dont really know what to type in here.... HELP ME!

Created by: Katie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is it sung by?
  2. Who is the "main character" of the video?
  3. Do you like the song?
  4. Lyrics: I'd ______ in with a havent you people ever heard of, closing a g**d*** door no
  5. Lyrics: Oh, well imagine, as im pacing the pews of a church corridor and i cant help but to hear...
  6. first 5 words of the Chorus:
  7. It's on...
  8. The video takes place in a...
  9. this calls for a _______
  10. with a sense of poise and...

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Quiz topic: Do I know the song i write sins not trageties?