Do You Know SIC ILL?

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I know that a lot of people love, i mean absolutely love, SIC ILL. Take the quiz to find out if you are a true SICILLIAN. Then, when you're done,look at your score and see how you did.

Obviously since you are about to take this quiz, you love "Sic" right? Well i'm a true SICILLIAN. What's your favorite song by him? My favorite songs are:Spring Yard Zone and The Walking Dead!

Created by: Selena Cruz of Official SIC ILL Website
(your link here more info)
  1. When was he born?
  2. What year was he born in?
  3. What is his mother's name?
  4. What is the Sacramento rapper that signed SIC ILL to Fahrenheit Records?
  5. When did he have his first kiss?
  6. What is SIC ILL's favorite song?
  7. Is he a christian?
  8. Favorite snack?
  9. What is his favorite two colors?
  10. Where does he live?
  11. Was he home schooled for a short time?
  12. Is he 5'9
  13. Eye color?
  14. Shoe size?
  15. Is his favorite NBA sports team the Spurs?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know SIC ILL?