Do you know PewDiePie?

There are people that don't know PewDiePie so this quiz will help you learn who really is PewDiePie. You will be scored of how much you a bro. Are you a true bro?

Do you know PewDiePie? Can you answer all the questions? Use your brainpower to help you destroy this quiz! And you might impress PewDiePie, CutiePie, " Puga " Maya and Edgar.

Created by: PewDiePieLover
  1. Okay, this is pretty easy for you but where was Pewds born?
  2. Now what is his birthday?
  3. What year?
  4. How old is Poods?
  5. What is the name of his partner?
  6. How long have they been with each other?
  7. What is his first doges name?
  8. Why is Pewds pug Edgar called Edgar Allan Pug?
  9. What was Poods first vid called?
  10. Final question. How does he start and finish his videos?

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Quiz topic: Do I know PewDiePie?