Do you know PC's?

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Hello, I made this quiz for if you're into PC's or want to get into PC's You can still take the quiz if you know nothing, you could learn from, it! :D

BTW this quiz was made in 2018. I'm just saying that if someone sees this quiz after 2018 a long time in the future.Anyway enjoy the quiz guys and have fun!

Created by: Ninja_do
  1. What is faster an HHD or an SSD
  2. Does the PSU's watts matter?
  3. When playing a Video Game on a PC does the GPU matter more or the CPU
  4. What is better an Intel i5 3570 or an AMD Ryzen 3 1300x
  5. Do RGB lights on a PC make it more powerful?
  6. Can overclocking a CPU/GPU give you more power or does it just kill the CPU/GPU?
  7. What is more powerful, a GTX 780 ti or a GTX 1050 ti?
  8. What is better for Video editing/making videos?
  9. What is better 14nm or 7nm CPU's?
  10. What is better for Gaming a GTX 1060 3gb or an RX 570 4gb?
  11. What is better for Gaming?
  12. What is cheaper and better for your money?
  13. Do most PC's still have a Disk Drive?
  14. Does a PC's case matter?
  15. Does a Motherboard matter?
  16. Can any Motherboard be used to overclock a CPU?
  17. Can any CPU overclock?
  18. What is a better OS?
  19. Is 32gb of RAM really needed yet for anything?
  20. What is better?
  21. What is cheaper?
  22. What is faster
  23. On a PC can you mess with settings in the BIOS?
  24. Can you overclock you monitor on a PC?
  25. What is the best Hz for Gaming?
  26. What is faster for an internet speed?
  27. What is better?
  28. Is the GTX 745 a thing?
  29. Is 8k a thing?
  30. Is building a PC better and cheaper than buying one?
  31. Are the graphics better on a PC compared to a console?
  32. Can you use a controller on a PC?
  33. Does playing games online on a PC cost money?
  34. Is HRD good?
  35. Does HRD make the PC lag more?
  36. What is faster?
  37. What is better?
  38. What is cheaper?
  39. What has more power?
  40. Can PC's last 10+ years and still be powerful?

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Quiz topic: Do I know PC's?
