Do You Know Me?! The Ultimate Quiz

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My quiz is about not a guessing game but a quiz to see what you know about me! The quiz can help increase knowledge and strength at answering questions for quizzes. Have fun...

Also if you like the quiz I will make sure to make more of them and they'll probably based on subjects such as Yu Gi Oh Arc V, Yu Gi Oh, Legos, and TV...

Created by: Kathryn Shrode
  1. Whats my favorite fruit
  2. What's my fav color
  3. If i was a pokemon which one would i be
  4. pokemon or yugioh, which one do i prefer
  5. do i hate true & the rainbow kingdom
  6. how many sisters do i have
  7. what r my sisters' names
  8. whats my fav activity ( no wrong answers )
  9. what SHOULD be my quote?
  10. did u like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Me?! The Ultimate Quiz

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