Do you know how to kill monsters?

Do you know your monsters? Can you stand up against the evils of demons and vampires, or will you fall victim to the Siren's call? Can you defeat the Minotaur or will you just summon Chuck Norris to do your battles?

Take this quiz and find out if you are a bad ass monster slayer or a thumb sucking sleep with a night light baby!!!! So what are you waiting for do it!! DO IT NOW!!!!!

Created by: Wabash

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are confronted by a gorgon a.k.a something like Medusa, what do you use?
  2. A zombie is stalking you how do you kill it.
  3. A werewolf is about to kill you what are you going to defend yourself with?
  4. You are sailing the ocean and you start to hear the faint call of a Siren's song, what do you do?
  5. What are the correct ways to kill a vampire?
  6. A faerie appears with the intent of killing you how do you kill it? (Faerie as in goblin, pixie etc.)
  7. A lion appears but its hide is impervious to all weapons. (swords,bullets,hammers etc.)
  8. The Minotaur is charging straight at you!! Quick what do you do?!?!?!?
  9. How do you kill a ghost?
  10. Last question. How do you kill a demon?

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Quiz topic: Do I know how to kill monsters?