Do you know fire emblem the sacred stones well

win loze doesn't matter your wasting time but so what you can wast time this is for gamers cheaters BUT NO BOOKS if you are a gaming genius boast your socks of at this easy quiz be as boastful as you want this is EASY

If you want to boast your socks of boast them of when have 100 100 100 100 !!!!!!!!!!!! Be a boasty and WIN WIN WIN NOTHING!!!!!! This is easy so what should you win at such a pipsqueak test

Created by: Lolipop
  1. What class is lyon
  2. Name who amelia was ment to be
  3. Who did glen and cormag hate
  4. Who was Lyon's love
  5. Who's L'arachel
  6. What mankete was transformed into a draco zombie
  7. Who held the dark stone
  8. Who is Tana
  9. Why was artur a monk
  10. Why can't a male character be a cleric

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Quiz topic: Do I know fire emblem the sacred stones well