Do You Know about the American Revolution?

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There are many wars out there the United States was in, but probably the most important was the American Revolution. If we didn't win that war, we wouldn't be the same today.

This is a moderate-difficulty quiz that tests your knowledge on the American Revolution. Some of the questions are easy, and some might be a bit hard. But you guys are smart anyway, right?

Created by: Matt

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  1. Who were the colonists fighting against?
  2. What caused the American Revolution?
  3. Who led the Continental Army (the American militia?)
  4. Who led the British army?
  5. Who allied with the British?
  6. What was one of the main Continental Army camps?
  7. After several American victories, who allied with the militia?
  8. Who won during the Saratoga campaign?
  9. Who bought the Continental Army better clothing and equipment?
  10. What was the winning battle in the American Revolution for the Continental Army?
  11. General Cornwallis surrendered to the army after the French Navy cut him off.
  12. What treaty was signed?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know about the American Revolution?