Do you know 30 seconds to mars?

There are many people that think they know 30 seconds to mars. But very few that actually do! Who knows? Could one of them be you! Well now is the time to find out! Good luck!

Do you know 30 seconds to mars? Until now you would never know. Do you know enough about them to qualify for the title of extreme echelon. Well go ahead. Find out!

Created by: Itsfreddy

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many band members are there?
  2. What is the lead singers name?
  3. What is the lead singers alias?
  4. What are the other members names?
  5. What is featured in 30 seconds to mars video kings and queens?
  6. What country did they go to to film from yesterday?
  7. What year did 30 seconds to mars form?
  8. The brothers in the bands names are...
  9. Do you like 30 seconds to mars?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I know 30 seconds to mars?