Do you have what it takes to survive the Apocalypse?

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Alright the thing requires I write two paragraphs about this thing so here goes. This is a typical zombie apocalypse quiz except I did my best to elevate it to the next level.

Along with if you live or die it tells how or what you are. Unfortuanately I couldn't get the when down due to time constraits but heres my quiz please enjoy

Created by: Loch of
(your link here more info)
  1. You hear over the news that a zombie apocalypse might be happening what do you do.
  2. You can only use one weapon what do you choose
  3. You find out a loved one is bitten. What do you do?
  4. You come across a grocery store in your travels. What do you do?
  5. You're trying to get away from a highly infested place. What vehicle do you use
  6. Were would you set up a base?
  7. If someone wants to venture out from your group, what do you do?
  8. Your first direct encounter with a zombie happens. What do you do.
  9. Your losing your will to live what do you do to bring your happiness up.
  10. You can only take one. What do you take with you?
  11. What group would you consider joining?
  12. How fit are you?
  13. You hear the government is planning an evacuation in a major city. Do you go?
  14. How many of the following can you do? Swim, Hunt, Treat wounds, use a weapon, basic survival skills, how to make tools
  15. How would you fortify a base?
  16. What is the survival rule of three?
  17. Zombies have found a way into your stronghold. You are valiantly fighting back, but most of the group is lost. What should you do?
  18. you have been bitten on the hand. What do you do?
  19. If you found a dog would you take it with you?
  20. what is your ideal number for people in your group?

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Quiz topic: Do I have what it takes to survive the Apocalypse?
