Do you have a mother in law from hell?

Mothers in law have always had a bad reputation and it isn't always undeserved. Unfortunately some mothers in law cause a lot of turmoil in their children's marriages and even divorce. Fathers in law are just as capable of causing damage, but it is not as common.

Do you want to find out what kind of mother in law do you have so that you are better prepared to deal with her and set appropriate boundaries if necessary? If so, please take the quiz.

Created by: Mrs_life
  1. When you and your spouse announced to your mother in law that you were engaged, what was her reaction?
  2. When you were planning your wedding, your mother in law...
  3. During your wedding, your mother in law...
  4. On your honeymoon...
  5. How often does your mother in law call on the phone?
  6. When it comes to your children...
  7. How are visits with your mother in law arranged?
  8. When your mother in law crosses a boundary and you bring it to her attention...
  9. Does your mother in law criticize you either to your face or to your spouse?
  10. Does your mother in law tell you how to do things around your house, such as cooking, cleaning, decorating, etc?

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Quiz topic: Do I have a mother in law from hell?