Do you fall in love easily?

title says it all, do you fall in love easliy? does your heart fall for its, curse/blessing? take tis test to see how your heart falls in love........

alright so now its anouther papragragh...this tests are harder to make then they look! i hope u enjoy this test cause i worked my ass off on it, also by the way im only a 14 YEAR OLD KID so for the adults out there stop underistamating kids...

Created by: amazon

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you think is the most magical part of your crush?
  2. What would mean the most to you
  3. Your crush is being made fun of by someone else what do you do?
  4. Where would you take your crush if you had the chance?
  5. How much does your crush mean to you?
  6. Are u a poetic person? (this has effect)
  7. If you dream about the person, whats it mostly about?
  8. Would you sacrafice your health for her/him?
  9. While taking this test did you about your crush?
  10. Did you enjoy this test? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: Do I fall in love easily?