Do you brush your teeth enough?

Hey there! Do you wanna know if you brush enough or not?Or just are bored and want to do a quiz? Ok, I have something for you! Let's do a "Do you brush your teeth enough?" quiz!, it's just a few questions you'll answer and I'll tell you whether you brush your teeth enough or not! I hope I guessed accurately! If not, tell me in the comments! Rate this quiz too! Let's get started!

Created by: 47123
  1. Do you like visiting the dentist?
  2. How often do you brush your teeth?
  3. What do/did you do when your tooth is/was taken out?
  4. Did you ever have braces?
  5. How many cavities did you have in your whole life?
  6. Average amount of sweets everyday?
  7. When did you start brushing your teeth?
  8. Do you brush your teeth every time you come into the bathroom? (I know that's crazy!)
  9. Do you use toothpaste when brushing?
  10. What does the dentist say about your teeth?

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Quiz topic: Do I brush my teeth enough?
