Do people really like you?

Do people like you? Find out here! here! how are you i am fine i like cheese what about you hi!!! I like cheese and other stuff but I already said that ha ha i want to be a nerd but no really how are you did i already say that too help me!!!

Some are liked, some are ran from. WHICH ARE YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!!

Created by: Brittany
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do people run away from you?
  2. Do people pretend you don't exist?
  3. Do you have more online friends than out in the real world?
  4. Are you a nerd?
  5. Is your name old or new? (LIke from a long time ago or more current)
  6. Whats your favorite type of music
  7. Do you take a bath/shower?
  8. What's your favorite video game?
  9. What's your favorite animal?
  10. Have you enjoyed this quiz?

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