DNI quiz! Should you interact?

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So, like the title says, this is a DNI quiz. Basically, if you get a bad result, the less I wanna talk to you. Just be a decent person with good morals and you'll be fine.

Nonetheless, whatever result you get, I hope you enjoy the quiz, and feel free to leave comments about your results, questions, concerns, or information I didn't know before.

Created by: [DELETED]
  1. Hello. Welcome to the quiz. Hope you enjoy!
  2. First, how old are you? (Ranges)
  3. What, out of these, is the worst thing that our world has right now?
  4. Where do you sway on political standpoints?
  5. What kind of app do you use most?
  6. What do you believe is cringe?
  7. Do you respect trans people? (Not just binary, non-binary identities as well)
  8. Are endogenic systems valid? (Look them up if you don't know what these are)
  9. What are therians/otherkin?
  10. What is your opinion on Dream SMP? (Excluding the real-life players, just the 'canon' characters.)
  11. Are you transmed, against xenogenders/non-binary identities, support obviously homophobic or transphobic people, against alternative styles, against religions other than Christians, or anything of this sort?
  12. What's your thoughts on the alternative style?
  13. Opinion on furries?
  14. And otherkin?
  15. And, finally, do you actively make fun of anyone above or anyone who supports above?

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Quiz topic: DNI quiz! should I interact?
