Divergent Faction Quiz

This is a quiz to see what faction you would belong in. I would choose Amity myself, I'm a very peaceful person. Remember, this would be your choice, It's just the simulation.

Maybe you are completely lost in your mind of what faction you were going to choose. Maybe you don't know which faction would make you feel most at home. Maybe you're scared that you're Divergent; well, let's find out!

Created by: Mollie Warden

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When and doubt...
  2. My clothes are...
  3. I like to do when I have free time...
  4. I worship...
  5. When I face a problem I...
  6. If I had to shoot somebody I loved I would...
  7. My best quality is...
  8. My favorite food is...
  9. My thoughts are...
  10. If I had to choose, I would join...

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