Democrat or Republican?

This quiz is to tell you about which party you truly are. Maybe you say that you are a Republican, but deep down your heart is a Democrat. Answer these questions honestly, and you will find out which party you truly are.

Are YOU a Democrat? A Socialist? A Liberal? Or are you CONSERVATIVE? Maybe you are Republican? Or you are Green Party! Find out in this quiz! And don't forget to leave comments!

Created by: Bob
  1. What is your stance on abortion?
  2. Do you believe that the Death Penalty should be used against criminals?
  3. What issue below is most important to you, and/or that you vote on?
  4. Do you support and go shopping at a large chain of companies, such as Walmart, or do you support a local shop?
  5. Which area of Social Programs do you think is most important and that we should expand.
  6. How do you feel about our president (Donald J. Trump)'s election?
  7. Do you believe that Russia hacked the election?
  8. What level of religious tolerance do you believe in?
  9. Do you believe that eve that Hillary Clinton is a liar?
  10. Who did you vote for in the Democratic Primaries? Or would have?
  11. Who would you, or would have, voted for in the Republican Primaries?
  12. Continued (Republicans)
  13. Who did you vote for? Or would have voted for in 2016?
  14. AND FINALLY... Which Party do you want to be?

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