DanTDM Trivia Quiz!!!

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There are many DanTDM fans, but few true ones. Being a true fan is, after all, quite hard. Who is DanTDM? He is someone who has a extraordinary YouTube channel.

Are YOU a true fan? Do you have the knowledge to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this awesome quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: Skyrunner1231

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. DanTDM's real name is Danny.
  2. DanTDM exaggerates his goodbyes.
  3. He has a pet bear named Freddy in his treasure room.
  4. DanTDM doesn't have any Minecraft pets.
  5. Craig is a mailman.
  6. Trayuarus has a period after the Dr in his name.
  7. DanTDM does not have a Twitter account.
  8. DanTDM was born in America.
  9. His parents are divorced.
  10. DanTDM has a brother.
  11. He has always enjoyed music.
  12. He had bad grades in school.
  13. DanTDM earned a musical college degree.
  14. DanTDM used to participate in Pokémon tournaments.
  15. DanTDM is Awesome!

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