Could You Survive "The Hunger Games"?

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Hello, and welcome to the annual Hunger Games! We will pick one courageous boy and girl from each district to fight to the death in an arena until one lone victor stands.

We have the Hunger Games to remind us of the Dark Days. We hope you enjoy what we have in store for you! And may the odds be EVER in your favor. -smiles-

Created by: HanaMellark

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The gong is about to ring, and you have the choice of either getting some super useful things from the Cornucopia, or run off empty handed. What's your plan?
  2. You're out in the forest. What is the first thing you're going to do?
  3. It's getting dark, and you need to find shelter. What kind of shelter do you think would be the best for survival?
  4. You hear foot steps, and know somebody's pursuing you. What do you do?
  5. You see somebody in the bushes, though they don't seem to be trying to attack you. You...
  6. You see a wildfire coming towards you. It's moving faster then normal. What do you do?
  7. You hear another contestant screaming for help. What do you do?
  8. You're desperate for sponsors. You realize the only way to do that is to pretend to be deeply in love with another contestant. You think...
  9. You are invited to a feast, where there will be a bag for each contesting (that's still alive), and it will contain something that contestant desperately needs. What is your plan?
  10. You and the remaining two survivor's are being chased by mutations. What's your reaction?

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