Could you be my wonderful twin?

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It is said that someone somewhere is an exact person like you. . . well not exact to pin point you but with very similar characteristics as you, be it the looks or the personality.

Have fun taking it and let me know if I should make another quiz or not, and if I should tell me what type! I'll see if I can make one for yous in the category!

Created by: That Kid Lucius

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What color is your hair?
  2. What color are your eyes?
  3. Your body structure is? (based on your own opinion)
  4. How tall are you?
  5. Do you consider yourself a gamer?
  6. How often do you go outside?
  7. What is your personality like (or how you think it's like)?
  8. If you won the lottery and won $5,000, what would you do with it?
  9. Do you have any siblings?
  10. Have you gotten into any fights recently? (little disagreements count)
  11. Do people consider you weird/strange?
  12. Have you gone to a Doctors office recently?
  13. Which is better?
  14. Do you enjoy self pain?
  15. How long ago did you cry?
  16. Do you have allergies?
  17. Do you enjoy seeing others in pain?
  18. Have you ever thought of committing suicide due to someone dumping you or because you thought you had no reason for living?

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