In a pickle. I wanna make a new love story series but, I have multiple ideas. Only two are good. So, I need your opinion about it. ...................

I cant wait to start writing but, I need votes, fast. So there is an expiration date and it's August 30th. So, hurry up and vote.......,....,..,...,..

Created by: chopinssonata
  1. Im in a sticky situation not counting the time when I got gum in my hair. Ive got two ideas. I'm gonna create a new love story and need your help to decide.
  2. Patisiere love story summary ___________________________________ You are sent to a boarding school by your parents. Unknowingly, its the best cooking school in the country that your sent to. Unfortunately for you, your the worst cook in your family. How will you survive this? (Thoughts)
  3. Delinquint love story summary _____________________________________ You were once a Yankee. A Yankee in Japanese terms is a gang member or a juvenile delinquint which is what I'm using. You were caught while disobeying the law and sent to a juvenile delinquint center for rehabilitation. (Thoughts)
  4. Sounds fun huh?
  5. Do you like huge cliffhangers?
  6. Thoughts?
  7. Would you describe yourself as a lover aloe a fighter?
  8. Are your tastebuds good?
  9. Two left
  10. Which story you like better!?

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