Can you tell the truth when it is really needed?[girls only]

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Do you ever think about the future? Ever thought about your future job? You could be anything! A farmer, a clerk, anything! ooh i know another one! A model! if that profession interests you take this quiz and find out if you are model worthy or not!

this quiz is made for girls so boys you are out of luck. but a little trick up your sleeve and tell your brother to take this quiz and see him make a weird face as he gets a girl personality!(*°▽°*)

Created by: Ginny Weasley
  1. What color is your hair?
  2. What color are your eyes?
  3. What color is your skin?[sorry! i am not racist. but i need to know.]
  4. Do you spend lots of money on makeup?
  5. BREAK! Ad question. Have you gotten the Corona Vaccine?Taking this vaccine will save lives including yours. [no it wont] 🤮😷+💉=😁
  6. What is your style?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Do you wish you had money for dresses or food?
  9. How old are you?
  10. BREAK! Ad question.Corona Vaccine takes lives not save lives! 💉☠

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Quiz topic: Can I tell the truth when it is really needed?[girls only]
