Can you survive the zombie apocalypse?

This quiz will let you know rather or not, you can survive in a zombie apocalypse. My grammar is not the best. so please over look any mistakes. Thank you.

The reason I made this quiz is because every other zombie survival test, I took sucked pretty bad. This one will give you a pretty accurate answer, on rather or not you will survive.

Created by: Garfield09
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. There is a zombie outbreak and the news anchor tells you to stay in your home. What do you do?
  2. Where would you set up your home base?
  3. Which melee weapon would you choose?
  4. Which kind of gun would you choose?
  5. What would you wear?
  6. Which mode of transportation would you choose?
  7. What do you look like?
  8. You're being chased by a horde of zombies, how long can you run?
  9. You're walking down a street by yourself, when you see a group of survivors. What do you do?
  10. Do you smoke?
  11. Do you drink?
  12. If a zombie apocalypse happened, would you start drinking or smoking?
  13. Can you climb?
  14. How much can you lift?
  15. Would you be able to think of improvised weapons? As in using a table leg or lamp.
  16. Do you exercise?
  17. How much first aid do you know?
  18. Do you have a plan for the zombie apocalypse?
  19. Do you have a bug out bag?
  20. You just raided a grocery store. What did you take?
  21. While leaving the store you get a big cut on your arm. What do you do?
  22. Your scavenging for supplies. How many people do you bring with you?
  23. Which person was your first choice to bring with you?
  24. While scavenging one of your loved ones (kids, parents, siblings, spouse, etc)is bit. What do you do?
  25. Which game do you prefer?
  26. Which movie would you rather watch?
  27. Do you believe a zombie apocalypse is possible?
  28. In a group of survivors, who would you be?
  29. Do you know how to preserve food?
  30. How much do you know about camouflage?
  31. Do you hunt?
  32. On your way back from hunting, you find a duffle bag full of food and medicine. What do you do?
  33. How do you feel about violence?
  34. Do you have a medical condition? Like asthma, diabetes, etc.
  35. Where would you shoot a zombie?
  36. If giving the chance, would you bring a zombie back to your base to study it?
  37. Where do you live?
  38. Would you eat a animal if it was bit by a zombie?
  39. You feel a pain in your hand and when you look down you see something that looks like a bite. What do you do?
  40. What would you call the zombies?
  41. You're in a building and get cornered by a group of zombies. What do you do?
  42. how far are you from your planned safe base?
  43. how long would it take you to grab your supplies?
  44. How smart are you?
  45. You're in your safe base. How long do you wait until you try to scavenge the local Walmart
  46. How smart are zombies?
  47. How much does the zombie remember of his past life?
  48. Is a zombie still a person?

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Quiz topic: Can I survive the zombie apocalypse?