can you sing or not?

Only a few people can sing. People who can sing don't just go for it, they listen to their voice and if they have mistakes they fix them. In a few seconds you will find out which of those two you are.

Can YOU sing? Till now you have probably only wondered and asked other people what they think but now with this great quiz you will find out in just a few moments

Created by: Ida

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you sing in the shower?
  2. How often do you sing?
  3. Do you sing infront of your family or friends?
  4. What do people say about your singing?
  5. Do you think you can sing?
  6. What would you like to be when you're older?
  7. What's your favorite type of music?
  8. How do you sing?
  9. Do you upload videos or put them on the internet so people can see them?
  10. Do you think this girl can sing?: (Go on youtube type lily minett girl on fire in a new tab, sorry, no urls)
  11. Will you get upset and give up on singing if there is some critisism on the next page?

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Quiz topic: Can I sing or not?