Can you join the Frost Pack?

The Frost Pack is a werewolf pack spread all over the world. We are looking for wolves with loyalty, determination, and the "right" answers to this quiz.

Do YOU qualify to join this amazing pack? It's tough...we have strict rules. But if you can make it, you'll be sure to enjoy the ride...good luck in this quiz!

Created by: LucidMoonlight of The Frost Pack
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What rank would you want?
  2. Would you take any other position?
  3. RP: You hear a gunshot and a howl coming from the woods. What do you do?
  4. Where do you live? You can join from all over the world, but it would be much more convenient if you lived close to us.
  5. Would you be willing to move closer to the pack if you had to? I understand if you don't want to, but the closer to eachother we are the better.
  6. RP: Let's say your rank is omega or something low like that. You're hunting and you come across a stranger wolf. What's your first move?
  7. If you join the Frost Pack, will you accept we have different rituals, habits, etc?
  8. Are you a loyal person?
  9. Are a werewolf? (It's ok I you're not, we can make you one)
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Can I join the Frost Pack?