Can You Follow Directions?

How well can you follow instructions? Are you careful and sure, or do you dive right in? This quiz will show you. Be sure to follow ALL of the instructions.

How well can you follow instructions? Are you careful and sure, or do you dive right in? This quiz will show you. Be sure to follow ALL of the instructions.

Created by: amazon

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  1. Okay, this is a quiz to test your ability to follow instructions. Click the answer with the word "FIRST" next to it, and continue.
  2. Read through all of the questions before answering any of them. Do not click an answer for this question.
  3. Click the first answer.
  4. Click on the answer with the word "Potato" next to it.
  5. Click the answer with italics next to it.
  6. Click the answer that's a prime number.
  7. Click the answer with a Pokemon next to it.
  8. Click the opposite of "NO"
  9. Click the answer with the word "Coin" spelled backward.
  10. Do not answer any of the questions. Click "Submit" now.

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Quiz topic: Can I Follow Directions?