Can we guess your age?

There are so many quizzes there that guess your age inaccurate, you almost always end up being 100. With this test you may actually hit the nail on the head.

Just remember this quiz is just for fun and we are NOT psychic. This test may be inaccurate and you may end up being 100. But hey at least you're wise.

Created by: Mimi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who do you love spending time with most?
  2. What do you like doing in your spare time?
  3. Choose your favorite quote.
  4. Pick a favorite TV show.
  5. Do you know who the Kardashians are?
  6. Do you know what a VCR is?
  7. Do you like the new Dora the explorer?
  8. Are you still in school?
  9. Can you drive?
  10. Last question :( this is completely unrelated to the quiz. If you could do 2017 all over again what would you do?

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Quiz topic: Can we guess my age?